Robert Een Artist in Residence at Avatar’s Abode
1pm BYO Lunch in The Kitchen
2pm Meditative Performance in Baba’s House
Robert Een is a composer for film, theatre, dance and the concert stage. He is the recipient of an Obie Award for music composition and has received two New York Dance and Performance ‘Bessie’ Awards for music composition and sustained achievement. He tours worldwide and has recorded sixteen albums of genre-bending music.
Join Robert Een at Avatar’s Abode from 2 to 8 August 2024, to raise your voice in song to Beloved Meher Baba.
All levels of experience are welcome ~ even if you think you can’t sing!
Singing is one of life’s joys. Singing with others increases the joy. Singing for Baba exults the joy.
Raising Voice is a physical approach to singing.
Beginning from silence and stillness we then engage with our breath before making sound. In our exploration we make use of vocal technique, improvisation and repertory.
Please contact Rodney Tyson for further information about the program.
0409 489 997