“God alone is real and the goal of life is to be united with Him through love.” ~ Meher Baba

The Avatar’s Abode bookstore stocks a diverse range of Meher Baba related books available for purchase. Both hardback and paperback editions are available including many works written by Meher Baba, as well as books written by the Mandali and other Baba-lovers. Alongside books, we also stock other items from time to time such as t-shirts, CDs, videos, calendars, mugs and more. A perennial favourite is the yearly Baba calendar which is available by pre-order. Mail orders for other stocked items are also welcomed. Orders can be placed in person, over the phone or via email.
We invite you to come to the bookstore to relax, browse or chat with manager, Reg Love. The building contains comfortable seating and a beautiful rainforest outlook. It is also used, periodically, as a meeting space and as a gathering place for special events.
The bookstore is open at select times during events and at other times by appointment. To enquire about the availability of any items or to organise a time to visit please contact Reg Love E: abodebookstore@gmail.com Ph: 0421 853 716 (Reg). Or the general Avatar’s Abode contact number 0437 511 362.