A Springtime Gathering in His Love

The Spring Sahavas is celebrated each year over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. In Queensland, the Queen’s Birthday public holiday falls on the weekend preceding the first Monday in October. (The date is also a public holiday in New South Wales, ACT & South Australia.) It is a time of year when flowers are in bloom and Baba’s Love shines in the natural beauty of the property.

Explaining the meaning of sahavas, Baba dictated:
Sahavas means the give-and-take of love. I am the only Beloved, and you all are my lovers; or I am the only Lover and you all are my beloveds! I wish that you remain happy in my sahavas.

Lord Meher, 1st. ed., Bhau Kalchuri, Vol. 15, pp. 5272 – 5274. 

The Spring Sahavas is an occasion of close companionship between Avatar Meher Baba and His lovers. The idea behind the Sahavas is to provide another opportunity, besides the June Anniversary, for the Baba community to enjoy the company of those who met Meher Baba and His mandali, and to share our Baba stories.

Knowing that each year the number of those who met Baba and the mandali decreases, another important aspect of the Sahavas is to record these memories for posterity.

Each year the focus of the event changes, bringing fresh ways to enjoy the company of Beloved Baba, and each other.

Upcoming Spring Sahavas
October 5 – 7 2024

Details at https://avatarsabode.com.au/events/spring-sahavas-2024/

Your Contribution

We rely upon donations to offset the running cost of events and contributions are much appreciated. Suggested amounts for those attending can be found on the event details.

Avatar's Abode Queensland

“God alone is real and the goal of life is to be united with Him through love.”  ~ Meher Baba