Anniversary 2023 Flag Lowering
Live Stream
Lowering Baba’s flag signals the conclusion of the Anniversary at Avatar’s Abode. 65th Anniversary Flag Lowering – Monday June 12th…
Lowering Baba’s flag signals the conclusion of the Anniversary at Avatar’s Abode. 65th Anniversary Flag Lowering – Monday June 12th…
The raising of Avatar Meher Baba’s flag on Avatar’s Abode signals the start of the Anniversary. 65th Anniversary Flag Raising…
64th Anniversary, Monday June 13 2022, a 40-minute YouTube streaming.
Hymn to God the Man - Jim Frisino from Avatar's Abode Vimeo Collection on Vimeo. In the afternoon program on…
64th Anniversary Flag Raising - 10th June 2022.
"The Greatest of My Sufferings" –– Meher Baba's Accident in America from AMB Heartland Center on Vimeo.
Memory from Avatar's Abode Vimeo Collection on Vimeo.
The Beloved's Wine.mp4 from Avatar's Abode Vimeo Collection on Vimeo.
Ward Parks - Anniversary Presentation from Avatar's Abode Vimeo Collection on Vimeo.
Abode Zoom with Irwin Luck, 3 Jan. 2021 from Avatar's Abode Vimeo Collection on Vimeo.