June Anniversary Sahavas


June 7, 2024 - June 10, 2024    
9:00 am - 9:00 pm


Avatar's Abode
48 Meher Road, Kiels Mountain, QLD, 4559

Event Type

66th Anniversary of Meher Baba’s visit to Avatar’s Abode

You are Invited!

Friday June 7th – 11:30 am Flag Raising
Monday June 10th – 2:30pm Flag Lowering

Livestream of Flag Raising at https://youtube.com/live/x39EXXHBck0

2024 Anniversary PROGRAM
Click the Program link to download printable PDF

Attending and Registration

Please complete the online Attendance Form. This will assist us in preparing for your meals, as well as letting us know your individual needs and preferences. While the Anniversary is free to attend, donations towards running costs are greatly appreciated. Equally, any help you might wish to offer as a volunteer worker is appreciated and needed.

When you arrive please register as this helps us with running this and future events. At that time you will be able to pay for your meals in advance, or you may pay for each meal individually at meal times.


Accommodation at Avatar’s Abode is available in various forms including shared pilgrim accommodation and camping. Please see the Attendance Form for further details.

We look forward to sharing a happy and Baba-filled Anniversary with you!

The Anniversary Planning Team

Jai Meher Baba!