“You have no idea what just one scrap of My sadra will mean to the world in the future.” ~ Meher Baba

The Avatar’s Abode Trust Archives safeguard and preserve for posterity the precious articles and the archival records of Avatar Meher Baba’s life and advent, especially His visit to Avatar’s Abode in 1958, and shares these irreplaceable links to His human form with contemporary and future humanity.
About the Avatar’s Abode Trust Archives
After Baba’s visit to Avatar’s Abode in 1958 the Bruford and Rouse families were asked by Baba to live on the property. Many precious items now in the collection were lovingly cared for and preserved by these two families for over 25 years. Along with items gifted by the mandali to Francis Brabazon, Bill Le Page and other early followers, these precious relics and artefacts are preserved as part of the archives collection and some are displayed in special museum quality display cabinets in Baba’s House, which is open during special occasions and events, and they can also be viewed on request.
The museum quality cabinets, display lighting, a UV data logger, textile storage rack, and a portion of the recurrent costs for consumable items used in our systematic pest management, have all received partial funding from the local Sunshine Coast Regional Council Cultural Heritage team’s exhibition and collection care grants program.
When Francis Brabazon died in 1984 he left his estate to the Avatar’s Abode Trust. The three executors, Roy Hayes, Bernard Bruford and Peter Davies spent many years sorting through his papers and sending much original material back to India at the request of the mandali at that time. Photocopies of many documents were retained in the collection. The document collection from Francis has been lovingly rehoused into archival boxes and exceeds 22,000 documents. Hundreds of 78 rpm records and vinyl LP records owned by Francis are also included in the collection. In addition Francis had a large collection of books which now forms the basis of the Francis Brabazon Library, located at Avatar’s Abode.
A unique gift of nearly 1,000 books, booklets, magazines and pamphlets about Meher Baba and His mandali was collected by Jim Migdoll over 40 years and was gifted to the Trust. These publications form the core of the archival book collection and are known as the Jim Migdoll Publications Collection.
The collection includes photographs of the development of Avatar’s Abode and Baba’s visit to the Abode in 1958, anniversaries celebrated during the 1960s, early Australian Baba lovers, and images collected by Francis Brabazon during his stay in India with Baba from 1959 to 1969. Baba himself stressed to His close disciples the importance of preserving the tangible reminders of His advent.
A unique gift to humanity in this particular advent are the photographs and films that are preserving His image for the eyes and hearts of millions. Baba once told Mani that his photos should be spread throughout the world. These things that bear His touch and imprint have the power to touch the heart. They need to be preserved so that future humanity can savour the fragrance of Him that they carry. — Preserving the Fragrance at Manzil-e-Meher, p.4

A Tour of the Archives
Video by Francis Thompson. Length 40:56.
Avatar’s Abode Trust Archives 2021-22 Annual Report
Avatar’s Abode Trust Archives – Collection Management Policy May 2022
Significance Assessment Avatar’s Abode by Dr Ray Kerkhove
Avatar’s Abode Trust Archives – Preservation Needs Assessment November 2021
Avatar’s Abode Trust Archives Annual Report 2020-21
The Francis Brabazon Collection Significance Assessment Report
In 2008 Dr Ray Kerkhove, a Queensland historian, completed a Significance Assessment of the Francis Brabazon Library Collection FB_Significance_Assessment_Report with Appendices.pdf
BANNER IMAGE: Meher Baba’s sandals on his bed in Baba’s Room, Avatar’s Abode. © Reg Love.